Brunette with 34C boobs? Congratulations youre 'the perfect girlfriend'

Alas, it is official: I am not the perfect girlfriend.

I’m three inches too tall, I drink the wrong alcohol and I don’t support Manchester United. My diet is all wrong (pescatarian? What?! I should be an avid meat-eater, obviously) and I should watch Corrie not Hollyoaks. Otherwise, I will officially be doomed in love.

It wasn’t even my boyfriend who deigned to inform me of this news – it was a study of 2,000 men asked about their ideal woman by dating app Lovoo. According to these authoritative males, the perfect girlfriend must be:

– Five foot five inches tall, with 34C boobs. She must weigh 9st 2lbs and look like Kelly Brook, or at least Cheryl Cole

– A brunette nurse or teacher

– A Game of Thrones fan, but must also enjoy Coronation Street, Friends and Match of the Day

It probably wouldn't hurt if she looked like the Khaleesi

– Careful with what she eats

– A Manchester United fan who loves Dirty Dancing

– Able to get on with their mum

– Adventurous in the bedroom, “happy to embark in a bit of role-play and experiment with different positions”

– Happy to wear skinny jeans or miniskirts

– Subtle with her make-up

– Tattoo-less

– P.S. Irish accents are preferable

Erm ... what? Is this real? Do British mean actually care this much about the women they want to date, down to this level of painstaking detail? I get that they want to date someone hot with similar hobbies to them, but WHAT ABOUT HER PERSONALITY?

I am going to quietly pray that the survey they answered had no mention of personality traits, because if not, our problems are worse than a double-dip recession. Please God can all these men know that there is more to a woman than her 34C boobs, and it’s not her legs – it’s her brain.

Even if I give these 2,000 men the benefit of the doubt on that one, their list still worries me. It looks more like the thoughts of a dreamy teenager than those of fully-grown men pondering their ideal relationships. While it is natural to lust after certain celebrities (a lot of women would have Ryan Gosling look-a-like on their ideal list), it's not at all natural to want a girlfriend who "watches what she eats".

Besides, what kind of men are these, caring more about their girlfriends’ diets than what she’s going to be talking about while she picks on her medium-rare steak? Clearly they’re all Manchester United fans, but more than that, they are a terrifying representation of British men who make me never want to date one again.

She should love Wayne Rooney

I doubt a continental bloke would care if his girlfriend wore skinny jeans or skirts – I bet he’d just appreciate that she was a real, live woman by his side. It is no surprise that two of the five British men surveyed, who were already in a relationship, said their current partner wasn’t the perfect woman for them.

Well, duh. Their ‘perfect’ girl doesn’t exist, and quite frankly, they’re being too picky. If British girls sat down and make their own list like this, 99 per cent of males would be lifelong bachelors and we would solve overpopulation in a second.

These 2,000 men need to wake up and start appreciating the real women out there. It’s all very well for them to imagine their perfect Cheryl Cole-esque woman, so long as they realise that if someone so perfect did exist, she probably wouldn't want to be with them. Sorry men of Britain, looks like you're going to be single for quite a while ...

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